

One of the chief aims of the Temporal.jl package is to simplify the process of extracting a desired subset from a time series dataset. To that end, there are quite a few different methods by which one can index specific rows/columns of a TS object.

One goal has been to keep as much of the relevant indexing operations from the base Array type as possible to maintain consistency. However, there are certain indexing idioms that are specifically more familiar and meaningful to tabular time series data, particularly when prototyping in the REPL.

In other words, if you want to use standard Array indexing syntax, it should work as you would expect, but you should also be able to essentially say, "give me all the observations from the year 2017 in the price column."

Numerical Indexing


julia> using Temporal

julia> X = TS(cumsum(randn(252, 4), dims=1)) + 100.0
252x4 TS{Float64,Dates.Date}: 2019-05-16 to 2020-01-22

Index       A         B         C         D
2019-05-16  98.6866   99.0654   100.4319  99.7904
2019-05-17  100.0482  100.015   99.8082   100.1738
2019-05-18  100.387   100.5032  99.2186   100.4274
2019-05-19  99.611    99.5853   99.4851   101.0283
2019-05-20  101.4635  99.2436   99.7689   101.4699
2019-05-21  100.6716  97.4302   99.1906   101.6606
2019-05-22  101.582   96.4242   98.4857   100.5608
2020-01-15  102.7939  60.6802   94.471    75.155
2020-01-16  102.0165  62.054    93.9059   74.8833
2020-01-17  103.0108  61.0891   92.9438   75.3359
2020-01-18  103.3658  61.57     92.1186   73.3703
2020-01-19  103.8781  62.028    92.3801   73.5632
2020-01-20  103.456   62.0668   91.7383   74.541
2020-01-21  103.1441  60.5328   90.5061   76.0917
2020-01-22  102.7623  60.5146   90.4418   76.7895

julia> X[1]
1x4 TS{Float64,Dates.Date}: 2019-05-16 to 2019-05-16

Index       A        B        C         D
2019-05-16  98.6866  99.0654  100.4319  99.7904

julia> X[1, :]
1x4 TS{Float64,Dates.Date}: 2019-05-16 to 2019-05-16

Index       A        B        C         D
2019-05-16  98.6866  99.0654  100.4319  99.7904

julia> X[:, 1]
252x1 TS{Float64,Dates.Date}: 2019-05-16 to 2020-01-22

Index       A
2019-05-16  98.6866
2019-05-17  100.0482
2019-05-18  100.387
2019-05-19  99.611
2019-05-20  101.4635
2019-05-21  100.6716
2019-05-22  101.582
2020-01-15  102.7939
2020-01-16  102.0165
2020-01-17  103.0108
2020-01-18  103.3658
2020-01-19  103.8781
2020-01-20  103.456
2020-01-21  103.1441
2020-01-22  102.7623

julia> X[1, 1]
1x1 TS{Float64,Dates.Date}: 2019-05-16 to 2019-05-16

Index       A
2019-05-16  98.6866


julia> using Temporal

julia> X = TS(cumsum(randn(252, 4), dims=1)) + 100.0
252x4 TS{Float64,Dates.Date}: 2019-05-16 to 2020-01-22

Index       A         B         C         D
2019-05-16  100.3316  99.5983   101.007   100.3741
2019-05-17  101.3038  99.0726   100.9251  100.9912
2019-05-18  100.4854  101.1175  100.7057  101.157
2019-05-19  99.7628   101.4995  99.2659   100.6376
2019-05-20  98.7862   102.7096  98.8789   101.9109
2019-05-21  98.2048   101.3716  99.249    99.1243
2019-05-22  98.6648   103.193   98.4795   97.6652
2020-01-15  84.6467   128.0249  92.5995   109.8005
2020-01-16  85.49     128.8548  94.2217   110.8611
2020-01-17  84.1138   128.2569  92.8791   111.3226
2020-01-18  84.2796   128.7231  95.3016   111.5887
2020-01-19  82.7441   129.8331  94.7279   111.4788
2020-01-20  84.7533   129.0773  93.1745   109.0643
2020-01-21  86.0232   127.9056  93.4819   107.2712
2020-01-22  87.3607   129.1558  95.3203   106.6567

julia> X[trues(size(X,1)), :]
252x4 TS{Float64,Dates.Date}: 2019-05-16 to 2020-01-22

Index       A         B         C         D
2019-05-16  100.3316  99.5983   101.007   100.3741
2019-05-17  101.3038  99.0726   100.9251  100.9912
2019-05-18  100.4854  101.1175  100.7057  101.157
2019-05-19  99.7628   101.4995  99.2659   100.6376
2019-05-20  98.7862   102.7096  98.8789   101.9109
2019-05-21  98.2048   101.3716  99.249    99.1243
2019-05-22  98.6648   103.193   98.4795   97.6652
2020-01-15  84.6467   128.0249  92.5995   109.8005
2020-01-16  85.49     128.8548  94.2217   110.8611
2020-01-17  84.1138   128.2569  92.8791   111.3226
2020-01-18  84.2796   128.7231  95.3016   111.5887
2020-01-19  82.7441   129.8331  94.7279   111.4788
2020-01-20  84.7533   129.0773  93.1745   109.0643
2020-01-21  86.0232   127.9056  93.4819   107.2712
2020-01-22  87.3607   129.1558  95.3203   106.6567

julia> X[rand(Bool, size(X,1)), 1]
142x1 TS{Float64,Dates.Date}: 2019-05-17 to 2020-01-22

Index       A
2019-05-17  101.3038
2019-05-19  99.7628
2019-05-20  98.7862
2019-05-21  98.2048
2019-05-22  98.6648
2019-05-25  93.3089
2019-05-26  93.4905
2020-01-11  84.6203
2020-01-12  84.4411
2020-01-14  83.7127
2020-01-16  85.49
2020-01-17  84.1138
2020-01-20  84.7533
2020-01-21  86.0232
2020-01-22  87.3607

julia> X[rand(Bool, size(X,1)), [true, false, false, false]]
122x1 TS{Float64,Dates.Date}: 2019-05-18 to 2020-01-21

Index       A
2019-05-18  100.4854
2019-05-19  99.7628
2019-05-20  98.7862
2019-05-21  98.2048
2019-05-24  95.2493
2019-05-25  93.3089
2019-05-26  93.4905
2019-12-30  81.0322
2020-01-01  82.2274
2020-01-02  84.0478
2020-01-04  85.7576
2020-01-06  85.8758
2020-01-08  86.2656
2020-01-13  84.5028
2020-01-21  86.0232

Arrays & Ranges

julia> using Temporal

julia> X = TS(cumsum(randn(252, 4), dims=1)) + 100.0
252x4 TS{Float64,Dates.Date}: 2019-05-16 to 2020-01-22

Index       A         B         C         D
2019-05-16  100.3975  99.1322   100.5429  99.7729
2019-05-17  100.3742  100.6395  102.4592  101.26
2019-05-18  99.7855   101.7928  101.2358  100.4166
2019-05-19  101.1186  103.6874  102.5896  103.2072
2019-05-20  101.5145  104.0759  102.7336  101.8904
2019-05-21  101.5123  103.4743  101.9031  100.2464
2019-05-22  100.207   103.834   101.8898  99.2743
2020-01-15  107.2303  110.0305  102.8981  108.1753
2020-01-16  105.9696  110.6999  102.2371  107.8664
2020-01-17  105.5931  112.0221  101.0748  107.1259
2020-01-18  106.8437  112.8432  99.7459   106.5594
2020-01-19  108.3786  110.1217  97.1794   108.6165
2020-01-20  108.1244  110.8715  95.989    108.566
2020-01-21  107.8129  111.494   94.3686   109.5921
2020-01-22  107.9921  111.906   94.6396   109.6239

julia> X[1:10, :]
10x4 TS{Float64,Dates.Date}: 2019-05-16 to 2019-05-25

Index       A         B         C         D
2019-05-16  100.3975  99.1322   100.5429  99.7729
2019-05-17  100.3742  100.6395  102.4592  101.26
2019-05-18  99.7855   101.7928  101.2358  100.4166
2019-05-19  101.1186  103.6874  102.5896  103.2072
2019-05-20  101.5145  104.0759  102.7336  101.8904
2019-05-21  101.5123  103.4743  101.9031  100.2464
2019-05-22  100.207   103.834   101.8898  99.2743
2019-05-23  101.4168  103.5702  102.1225  98.9957
2019-05-24  101.6283  103.9381  102.2202  98.6222
2019-05-25  99.1156   104.9004  102.3365  98.6609

julia> X[end-100:end, 2:3]
101x2 TS{Float64,Dates.Date}: 2019-10-14 to 2020-01-22

Index       B         C
2019-10-14  87.3893   105.9999
2019-10-15  87.9511   106.6744
2019-10-16  89.4174   104.6139
2019-10-17  90.2724   104.2003
2019-10-18  89.4847   103.947
2019-10-19  89.6332   104.3067
2019-10-20  88.4649   103.8917
2020-01-15  110.0305  102.8981
2020-01-16  110.6999  102.2371
2020-01-17  112.0221  101.0748
2020-01-18  112.8432  99.7459
2020-01-19  110.1217  97.1794
2020-01-20  110.8715  95.989
2020-01-21  111.494   94.3686
2020-01-22  111.906   94.6396

julia> X[end, 2:end]
1x3 TS{Float64,Dates.Date}: 2020-01-22 to 2020-01-22

Index       B        C        D
2020-01-22  111.906  94.6396  109.6239

Symbol Indexing

You can also index specific columns you want using the fields member of the TS object, so that columns can be fetched by name rather than by numerical index.

julia> using Temporal

julia> X = TS(cumsum(randn(252, 4), dims=1)) + 100.0
252x4 TS{Float64,Dates.Date}: 2019-05-16 to 2020-01-22

Index       A         B        C         D
2019-05-16  99.3698   99.8706  102.0989  101.8872
2019-05-17  98.2247   99.9726  103.245   102.2658
2019-05-18  98.2041   97.5618  103.5207  103.4663
2019-05-19  97.1498   97.6927  102.039   102.3704
2019-05-20  95.506    99.0587  100.1599  102.4947
2019-05-21  95.1027   97.3341  100.723   102.6998
2019-05-22  95.1512   95.9339  99.7611   101.5261
2020-01-15  116.2069  94.0465  94.2906   110.6419
2020-01-16  116.7548  94.0204  93.1235   111.4485
2020-01-17  115.7681  96.0353  90.3166   113.614
2020-01-18  114.2811  96.1602  90.881    112.7268
2020-01-19  115.7526  97.6689  91.3106   112.0471
2020-01-20  115.0424  96.2344  91.1686   112.5294
2020-01-21  113.1797  95.0827  91.8432   113.5048
2020-01-22  113.3294  96.3003  92.7214   115.1052

julia> X[:, :A]
252x1 TS{Float64,Dates.Date}: 2019-05-16 to 2020-01-22

Index       A
2019-05-16  99.3698
2019-05-17  98.2247
2019-05-18  98.2041
2019-05-19  97.1498
2019-05-20  95.506
2019-05-21  95.1027
2019-05-22  95.1512
2020-01-15  116.2069
2020-01-16  116.7548
2020-01-17  115.7681
2020-01-18  114.2811
2020-01-19  115.7526
2020-01-20  115.0424
2020-01-21  113.1797
2020-01-22  113.3294

julia> X[:, [:B, :D]]
252x2 TS{Float64,Dates.Date}: 2019-05-16 to 2020-01-22

Index       B        D
2019-05-16  99.8706  101.8872
2019-05-17  99.9726  102.2658
2019-05-18  97.5618  103.4663
2019-05-19  97.6927  102.3704
2019-05-20  99.0587  102.4947
2019-05-21  97.3341  102.6998
2019-05-22  95.9339  101.5261
2020-01-15  94.0465  110.6419
2020-01-16  94.0204  111.4485
2020-01-17  96.0353  113.614
2020-01-18  96.1602  112.7268
2020-01-19  97.6689  112.0471
2020-01-20  96.2344  112.5294
2020-01-21  95.0827  113.5048
2020-01-22  96.3003  115.1052

String Indexing

One of the more powerful features of Temporal's indexing functionality is that you can index rows of a TS object using Strings formatted in such a way as to express specific periods of time in a natural idiomatic way. (If you have used the xts package in R this functionality will feel very familiar.)

julia> using Dates, Temporal

julia> t = Date(2016,1,1):Day(1):Date(2017,12,31)
2016-01-01:1 day:2017-12-31

julia> X = TS(cumsum(randn(length(t), 4), dims=1), t) + 100.0
731x4 TS{Float64,Dates.Date}: 2016-01-01 to 2017-12-31

Index       A         B         C         D
2016-01-01  100.8633  99.7952   101.3307  99.0324
2016-01-02  101.8123  98.1013   100.2852  99.3293
2016-01-03  101.7068  99.9488   100.4506  98.694
2016-01-04  101.9645  99.4779   100.3221  99.6773
2016-01-05  101.7437  97.4134   100.9236  99.7543
2016-01-06  101.7007  100.457   103.4613  99.4413
2016-01-07  102.0172  98.7197   103.9259  99.2054
2017-12-24  153.5977  72.3186   78.8151   68.6672
2017-12-25  153.0583  72.3795   78.8977   67.9289
2017-12-26  152.1142  72.737    78.2958   66.4599
2017-12-27  153.0937  72.4505   78.005    65.6427
2017-12-28  153.6748  71.7049   78.6277   64.9155
2017-12-29  153.4155  72.6787   78.3466   64.6822
2017-12-30  154.1587  73.506    79.2005   64.4994
2017-12-31  153.9155  73.7854   78.7804   64.4116

julia> X["2017-07-01"]  # single day
1x4 TS{Float64,Dates.Date}: 2017-07-01 to 2017-07-01

Index       A         B        C        D
2017-07-01  132.3045  95.0054  92.1519  86.4811

julia> X["2016"]  # whole year
366x4 TS{Float64,Dates.Date}: 2016-01-01 to 2016-12-31

Index       A         B         C         D
2016-01-01  100.8633  99.7952   101.3307  99.0324
2016-01-02  101.8123  98.1013   100.2852  99.3293
2016-01-03  101.7068  99.9488   100.4506  98.694
2016-01-04  101.9645  99.4779   100.3221  99.6773
2016-01-05  101.7437  97.4134   100.9236  99.7543
2016-01-06  101.7007  100.457   103.4613  99.4413
2016-01-07  102.0172  98.7197   103.9259  99.2054
2016-12-24  103.994   110.8149  77.7655   87.2072
2016-12-25  105.6431  110.3697  78.9606   87.9523
2016-12-26  104.3643  110.4883  80.2921   88.0832
2016-12-27  103.5714  110.0237  79.7147   89.4325
2016-12-28  103.0032  111.2518  78.7142   89.2586
2016-12-29  105.5631  112.1471  79.3723   88.9228
2016-12-30  104.2963  111.6082  79.5318   89.7294
2016-12-31  103.67    110.2627  79.615    91.1965

julia> X["2016-09-15/"]  # everything after a specific day
473x4 TS{Float64,Dates.Date}: 2016-09-15 to 2017-12-31

Index       A         B         C        D
2016-09-15  116.5816  100.8731  79.8184  96.6885
2016-09-16  114.6219  101.4774  78.5326  96.7551
2016-09-17  115.6208  100.4858  77.8231  95.4912
2016-09-18  117.1853  99.7012   78.2792  96.0066
2016-09-19  118.1032  100.0554  76.9568  96.7463
2016-09-20  115.077   99.852    74.5211  96.2612
2016-09-21  114.4666  100.3206  75.4855  96.3743
2017-12-24  153.5977  72.3186   78.8151  68.6672
2017-12-25  153.0583  72.3795   78.8977  67.9289
2017-12-26  152.1142  72.737    78.2958  66.4599
2017-12-27  153.0937  72.4505   78.005   65.6427
2017-12-28  153.6748  71.7049   78.6277  64.9155
2017-12-29  153.4155  72.6787   78.3466  64.6822
2017-12-30  154.1587  73.506    79.2005  64.4994
2017-12-31  153.9155  73.7854   78.7804  64.4116

julia> X["/2017-07-01"]  # everything up through a specific month
548x4 TS{Float64,Dates.Date}: 2016-01-01 to 2017-07-01

Index       A         B         C         D
2016-01-01  100.8633  99.7952   101.3307  99.0324
2016-01-02  101.8123  98.1013   100.2852  99.3293
2016-01-03  101.7068  99.9488   100.4506  98.694
2016-01-04  101.9645  99.4779   100.3221  99.6773
2016-01-05  101.7437  97.4134   100.9236  99.7543
2016-01-06  101.7007  100.457   103.4613  99.4413
2016-01-07  102.0172  98.7197   103.9259  99.2054
2017-06-24  130.0783  103.1732  96.7954   83.4299
2017-06-25  131.432   101.1058  95.58     84.5946
2017-06-26  131.6053  102.3979  94.9342   85.0463
2017-06-27  131.6623  100.0243  96.4609   85.8571
2017-06-28  131.9796  100.3973  96.0927   86.4833
2017-06-29  130.8949  98.5101   95.4329   88.1328
2017-06-30  130.4756  97.1464   93.4607   87.2979
2017-07-01  132.3045  95.0054   92.1519   86.4811

julia> X["2016-09-15/2017-07-01"]  # mix & match
290x4 TS{Float64,Dates.Date}: 2016-09-15 to 2017-07-01

Index       A         B         C        D
2016-09-15  116.5816  100.8731  79.8184  96.6885
2016-09-16  114.6219  101.4774  78.5326  96.7551
2016-09-17  115.6208  100.4858  77.8231  95.4912
2016-09-18  117.1853  99.7012   78.2792  96.0066
2016-09-19  118.1032  100.0554  76.9568  96.7463
2016-09-20  115.077   99.852    74.5211  96.2612
2016-09-21  114.4666  100.3206  75.4855  96.3743
2017-06-24  130.0783  103.1732  96.7954  83.4299
2017-06-25  131.432   101.1058  95.58    84.5946
2017-06-26  131.6053  102.3979  94.9342  85.0463
2017-06-27  131.6623  100.0243  96.4609  85.8571
2017-06-28  131.9796  100.3973  96.0927  86.4833
2017-06-29  130.8949  98.5101   95.4329  88.1328
2017-06-30  130.4756  97.1464   93.4607  87.2979
2017-07-01  132.3045  95.0054   92.1519  86.4811